
How To Keep Chest Hair Away

Chest Hair Removal 101: What'southward the Best Way to Go Rid of It?

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Earlier you dive in… If you want to observe out exactly how to deforest any part of your body with amazing results, be certain to check out my notorious guide to hair removal for men!

It seems the trend of showing off a hairy chest has well and truly died, and in its identify comes a new moving ridge of men losing it for smooth skin.

The truth of the thing is:

Professional salons all over the world are reporting significant spikes in the number of men coming to take their chest pilus removed, and while information technology used to be something limited mainly to swimmers and metrosexuals, many surmise the recent increment tin be attributed to partners asking their homo to "clean up".

Any your motivations are, beneath are the dos and don'ts of at-home breast hair removal for men:

How to get rid of chest hair: The Do's

1. Breast wax

Waxing has got to be 1 of the most effective ways to totally remove chest hair, and thank you to the (relatively) smooth regrowth, it'south a much improve choice than shaving.


The chest area is a large i, merely with waxing- y'all can remove the hairs in bulk with a pull of a unmarried wax strip.

As I mentioned earlier, I find hot wax mode more than effective than the pre prepared strips (although it's too a lot messier. If you want to keep information technology elementary for the commencement attempt I recommend thesewax strips from Nad'southward), they just seem to have a amend grip on the hairs.

Here's the crux of it:

The hot wax kit (such as this allinclusive ready from Genround, the all-time selection for the pro waxing human being IMO) volition come up with instructions which you lot should follow closely, but in general the process volition be to:

  • estrus up the wax in the microwave (or in the electric wax heater that yous can purchase equally part of the kit) until it'due south runny and glue-similar
  • stir it with a small wooden spatula (non plastic- it'll melt), and apply information technology directly to your peel.
  • Then, gently press a strip of muslin material or suitable newspaper on top of the wax while it'southward withal runny and hot
  • pat information technology gently, wait several seconds, and rip it off in the directionoppositeyour pilus growth. And repeat.

Start small! No need to go blanket your entire chest all at once. Also, start at a betoken you recollect is least sensitive; it can exist hard to motivate yourself to get on if you begin with the most sensitive areas.

You can always take an over the counter pain killer one-half an hr before you beginning to mitigate some of the discomfort, and acooling aloe vera gel (or any other kind of soothing lotion) subsequently will take abroad the after-sting.

Cocky-waxing can be tricky for first timers:

Information technology'south a good thought to watch some videos first and so you lot tin can see the correct angle to pull the strips off from. Once you become the technique down though, it'southward manifestly sailing- and results will last a good few weeks.

Bonus points for this i:

Regrowth tends to be far less stubbly than shaving, which makes your chest much more pleasant to the bear upon when the hairs do start to grow back.

Read this Article: xv All-time Tweezers for Every Purpose & Budget

2. Hair removal cream

Depilatory creams are a not bad way to tackle chest fur, and offer a pain-free culling to waxing.

It's asuper simple process:

Simply utilize the cream all over the hairy area, and wait no more than the recommended amount of minutes before hopping in the shower and wiping it off.

Cream, hair, the whole shebang.

Merely you lot might still exist wondering:

How does the regrowth compare with shaving?

Generally, results will last anywhere from 2 days to ii weeks depending on your hair growth, and the texture of the regrowth volition exist somewhat softer than shaving. My favorite products are the range ofNair Men Hair Removal Creams because they come in a large bottle with a pump head, meaning non but is information technology cleaner and more convenient to use, just the bigger bottle size also lasts a decent amount of time, even when using it on big areas like the chest.

But be warned:

Hair removal cream is messy business organisation, and unremarkably smells similar someone is dissolving a body in a tub of acid.

No, really. This is because the chemicals themselves smell bad to begin with, but when applied to the hairs, it begins a chemic reaction which makes the smell even stronger.

iii. Electric trimmer

Trimmers are a brilliant way to keep chest hair in bank check, just they don't offer full-on removal.

If you lot're going for the more natural look, trimmers are the way to become. Each device will take different settings so you lot can tailor how long/short a cut you lot want.

I'grand a Braun homo myself; theBraun 3010 model is my favorite as information technology can be used in the shower and it recharges insanely fast.

4. Laser hair removal

Although information technology can be costly to purchase an at-home light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation pilus removal motorcar in the curt run (Remington have a great entry level budget-friendly model), information technology does offer a long term solution to your breast hair woes.


Treatments can be tailored for total hair removal, or but hair thinning depending on what look you're going for. It'south ordinarily a depression-hurting or no-pain process besides.

Just it'sactuallyimportant to note:

Your suitability for laser hair removal will depend on your peel pigment and hair color, so it's important to read upwardly on this before yous buy the car yourself.

5. Epilation

Epilators are a adept choice for chest hair removal because they will clear away pilus from a large area in a relatively short time frame.

It'southward going to sting a fleck on the breast, but at that place are plenty of ways to reduce the pain from epilation if it's bothering you lot.

Bank check out this 1 fromEmjoi, specifically designed for male epilation. Another use for this epilator? For mens pubic hair! (Non gonna lie, though… It hurts!)

The Don'ts

1. Shaving

When it comes to breast hair, shaving is definitely non ideal.

Here'southward the truth of the thing:

Results will last a very short period of time, a couple of days at best, and regrowth volition be stubbly and sharp to the touch. Shaving besides carries increased risk of ingrown hairs, and since chest hairs are usually curly anyway, that risk doubles.

2. Tweezing

With the breast being such a big expanse, tweezing would exist far also fourth dimension consuming to be an constructive method of hair removal.

The Bottom Line

Equally you tin can see, there's actually no "best" overall chest hair removingmethod; but based on this article, you should be able to find the right solution for your own private needs.

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Got a question? An intimate event? An epic breast waxing story? I want them all – let me know in the comments below!

 About the author Dave Levitt

Dave is a Brooklyn-based editor with a specific interest in the contempo tendency of men adopting beauty and self-care routines. It's non all nearly the ultra-masculine-packaged, strongly-scented all-purpose shower gels anymore! Modernistic men are seeking the quality resources to turn to when it comes to skincare, haircare and fashion. Dave's difficult and passionate piece of work is dedicated to edifice up more resource like that on the web.

How To Keep Chest Hair Away,


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